Will the Real Ebola Vaccine Stand Up? Exposing a Major Cover Up

The world is mired in the meaningless debate as whether the ‘Ebola Outbreak’ is a false flag attack. To review the tenets of this meaningless debate:
1) One theory states that the media and certain government sponsored agencies such as the CDC, NIH and the FDA are hyping the Ebola crisis to promote the roll-out of mandatory vaccines. This notion promotes the belief that Ebola will not impact that many people but the fear being promoted will drive people to help people like Bill Gates make a fortune from the inevitable vaccines. Is this theory correct? Well, yes and no. The ultimate goal of the globalist interests is indeed forced vaccinations. However, the false flag accusers cannot really deny that there are no Ebola cases because there are.
2) The second theory postulates that Ebola will serve as a depopulation instrument AND the elite (e.g. Bill Gates) will make money on the demise of much of humanity through the implementation of mandatory vaccines, while Ebola decimates the population claiming as many as a billion or so lives worldwide and millions within the United States.
Both theories are correct and both theories are incorrect. People are dying of Ebola. The ultimate question,, along this line of thinking, is whether or not the death curve is going to dramatically spike. Both theories are correct in that the financial goal is mandatory vaccines.
However, which of these two positions is correct is totally a meaningless debate and therefore, serves as a distraction from the most important issue which has to do with the vaccines. The answer to where the Ebola crisis is headed is contained within the handling of the differing vaccines.
Will the Real Vaccine Please Stand Up? There are least two Ebola vaccines. One vaccine has been in development since 2004. The second vaccine, being developed by GSK, is presently in development and will be brought to market by January 2015.

This post was published at The Common Sense Show on October 14, 2014.