The Roll Out of the Hitler Youth Movement Through the Common Core Invasive Data Mining of Our Children

The people of this country are speaking out, they are sick and tired of the intrusiveness of the Common Standards and the egregious violations of our children’s civil liberties including their (and their parents) right to privacy.
The more Americans know about Common Core, the less they like the standards. In fact, just 33% support the standards while 59% oppose Common Core according to the annual PDK/Gallup Poll of the Public’s Attitudes Toward the Public Schools.
Even key politicians are getting into debate over Common Core as Louisiana Governor, Bobby Jindal, filed a law suit, this past summer against the Obama administration in which the Governor claims that the Department of Education is holding states hostage with a form of money blackmail in order to attempt to get states to adopt the controversial and unproven Common Core standards.
I could write a treatise on the outrageous academic practices that are emerging from Common Core. The radical educational practices associated with Common Core come to us without so much as one shred of research based proof as to the efficacy of their ‘novel’ approaches and academic sequencing of subjects. However, in this article, I am going to exclusively focus on the violations of our children’s civil liberties, the usurpation of parents rights and the slippery slope that the extreme data mining of our children is taking as we are looking more and more like a society that is intent on building a modern day Hitler Youth Movement where dissent and personal expression gives way to the collective and to communist concepts such as social justice.
The Common Core Data Mining of Our Children Is Out of Control Some schools use radio frequency identification tags to track student location throughout the school day. Other schools use what is referred to as ‘human monitoring services’ that read student email and then contact local law enforcement when it is deemed necessary. Amazingly, the parents of the children whose privacy is being violated will never know what data is being collected.
InBloom, is one of those companies who has access to your children’s most sensitive data. InBloom is a nonprofit corporation based in Atlanta, and they have granted themselves the authority to collect information from Atanta’s school district databases and store it in the cloud. Did you as a parent give permission to them to store your child’s personal information?

This post was published at The Common Sense Show on October 15, 2014.