GMO Purveyors Monsanto & Co. Open New Fronts in Food War

At stake is not only the nature and quality of food we and successive generations get to consume, but who gets to control it.
By Don Quijones, freelance writer, translator in Barcelona, Spain. Editor at WOLF STREET. Mexico is his country-in-law. Raging Bull-Shit is his modest attempt to scrub away the lathers of soft soap peddled by political and business leaders and their loyal mainstream media. This article is a Wolf Street exclusive.
Monsanto, the 113-year old St. Louis-based company that long perfected the art of befriending and subverting governments, academia and national regulators worldwide, has found itself in the rather unusual position of being on the back foot. In markets around the world – in particular in the West – the company is waging what appears, for now at least, to be a losing battle against a growing, globally coordinated movement of farmers, consumers and environmentalists.
That’s not to say that the battle is won – not by a long shot! Rather, that there is at least a little cause for quiet optimism.
The Good News
In Latin America, currently the epicenter of the GMO movement, accounting for anywhere between 60 and 70 percent of total global GMO production, Monsanto facesan unprecedented backlash. In Mexico a federal judge by the name of Marroqun Zaleta has suspended the granting of licenses for GMO field trials sought by Monsanto, Syngenta, Dow, Pionner-Dupont and Mexico’s Secretariat of Environment and Natural Resources [read… Mexican Judge Departs From Script, Turns Monsanto’s Mexican Dream Into Legal Nightmare].

This post was published at Wolf Street by Don Quijones ‘ October 19, 2014.