12 Disasters That Could Bring About The End Of The World As We Know It

Our way of life is far more vulnerable than most people would ever dare to imagine. A single major catastrophe could fundamentally alter all of our lives at any moment. But since most people have not experienced such a catastrophe during their entire lifetimes, most people just assume that there will never be one. This is called ‘normalcy bias’ and it can lull us into a very false sense of complacency. The other day, Michael Hanlon of the Telegraph wrote an article entitled ‘How will the world end? From ‘demonic’ AI to nuclear war – seven scenarios that could end human race’. Below, I discuss each of those seven scenarios along with five additional ones that I have added. We live in a world that is becoming increasingly unstable, and as a society we have become exceedingly dependent on the technology that we have surrounded ourselves with. If something were to happen which would force us to live like our grandparents and great-grandparents did, most of us would be in a tremendous amount of trouble. And as our technology has advanced, so has the potential that this technology will be used for war and destruction. There is great evil in the heart of man, and the potential to hurt others with that evil has never been greater. And of course there are always other ‘black swan events’ to be concerned about as well. The following are 12 disasters that could bring about the end of the world as we know it…
A single asteroid could potentially produce an ‘ELE’ – an extinction level event. And scientists are finding more asteroids that are potentially a danger to Earth all the time. For example, just the other day Russian researchers discovered a massive asteroid that will fly close to our planet every three years…

This post was published at End Of The American Dream on December 10th, 2014.