FOX Upset, Demanding Australians Call Sydney Siege a ‘Terrorist Attack’

21st Century Wire says…
The Sydney Siege has come and gone, with what looks like another example of a known nut case who let out on the streets by the Security Services, only to reek havoc on the community.
Australian riot police ended the 16-hour hostage standoff started by 50-year-old self-styled, Iranian-born Muslim ‘cleric’, Man Haron Monis, as police did a blitz-style assault on the Lindt chocolate store in Martins Place in Sydney.
Monis is said to have a very long and disturbing criminal rap sheep which includes among other things, multiple counts of sexual assault, and an accessory to murder charge. He was also a local media darling, well known to local press and on social media playing the role of ‘Sheikh’, which raises questions as to whether or Sydney police intelligence unit were involved in ‘managing’ Monis, or whether or not he was being supervised by a government psychologist and taking SSRI anti-psychotic medication.
Incredibly, Monis was allowed to roam the streets on bail instead of being detained in a security criminal or mental facility – where he clearly belonged.

This post was published at 21st Century Wire on DECEMBER 15, 2014.