Russian Propaganda Is Turning to Russian Assassination

To my friends and colleagues in the independent media, we need to continue to stand tall as more of us continue to be under attack in the media. To my fellow Americans who have come to depend on the independent media for truthful reporting, you need to support the journalists that you have placed your trust in. An increasing number of independent American journalists come under attack, we need to be cognizant of where the attacks are coming from and the goals behind these attacks so we can understand what is coming our way and how we can best survive and adapt.
Why Are These Attacks Taking Place? Generally, the independent media is under attack because many of us are squarely over the target, taking flak, all because we are reporting exactly what is happening, as it is happening.
We in the independent media are not CNN, Fox News, or the other corporate controlled media which are owned by six corporations that represents the tip of the bankster empire that has hijacked our government.
In particular, members of the independent media who have the insight, the sources and the courage to print the truth about what is unfolding, are increasingly under attack. Specifically, I am referring to the reporting in two areas: (1) Martial law is coming to the United States and the Russians are going to be a part of the enforcement; and, (2) World War III is approaching at a rate that very few have anticipated. The mainstream media (MSM) is filled with examples which are promoting both agendas as these reports serve to psychologically condition the American people to more passively accept their (i.e. the globalists) our ultimate fate. These powers-that-be fear the independent media because we expose the agenda and help put the breaks on the propaganda machine of the MSM. In other words, time and time again, we in the independent media have forced the other side to change strategies and we have significantly altered their timetables.

This post was published at The Common Sense Show on January 23, 2015.