Sen. Grassley: Perform An Anatomically Impossible Act

Now that the BATFE has “folded” (temporarily, anyway) their unlawful attempt to ban M855 ammunition this goes out to the Senator from Iowa:
“I’m pleased to see that the ATF has now decided to abide by congressional intent of the law, and its exemption protecting the rights of law-abiding gun owners, Iowa GOP Sen. Chuck Grassley chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said after the ATF announcement. “ATF’s original proposal to short-circuit the exemption and limit access to rifle ammunition was an affront to the Second Amendment to the Constitution, and it was met with stiff rebuke.”
Ignoring the 2nd Amendment, which allows no constraint for “armor-piercing” ammunition (indeed, if the 2nd Amendment’s purpose is ever necessary, God forbid, the ability to shoot through armor might well be essential) there is this little matter of black-letter statute.
Specifically, as I noted in my previous article, M855 ammunition meets neither of the criteria in the statute (18 USC Sec 921) to define it as armor-piercing, and thus irrespective of any so-called “sporting exception” there has never been, and cannot be without revision of the statute, any such lawful ban on the manufacture or import of same.

This post was published at Market-Ticker on 2015-03-15.