U.S. Begs Russia to Remain in ‘SWIFT’; the One Bank Fails Again

Does it get any funnier than this? Well, arguably, we’ve already seen an even funnier episode from these financial ‘Wile E. Coyotes’. But let’s begin with a look at the most recent ‘botched operation’ by the psychopaths of the One Bank.
To any readers with even a moderate comprehension of global events; it has been completely obvious that the Western financial crime syndicate which rules over us (the One Bank) has targeted Russia for (at least) economic destruction – and perhaps political destruction, as well. It has commenced this campaign by unleashing its most-ferocious attack dog on Russia: the United States (aka ‘the Fourth Reich’).
The political/economic terrorism against Russia began with the coup in Ukraine, which was fully and completely orchestrated by U. S. Neo-Cons (most unelected), who actually ‘run’ the U. S. government. This was immediately followed by a two-pronged strategy, directed squarely against Russia itself.
One-half of the campaign was an enormous, steaming mound of anti-Russia propaganda, continuously defecated by the West’s corporate media monopoly. This absurd, nonsensical propaganda relentlessly attempts to ‘blame Russia’ for anything-and-everything even remotely connected to the West’s cannibalization of the Ukraine, and often simply fabricates ‘acts of Russian aggression’. This has continued even as these fascists have ordered their Ukraine Thugs to perpetrate ever more-aggressive and barbaric acts, primarily against the large, ethnic Russian population within their own nation.
The other half of this campaign was massive, overt economic terrorism against Russia, in virtually any-and-every form which could be dreamed-up by the One Bank’s army of (financial) psychopaths. They first launched an all-out attack on the Russian ruble. They then deliberately/ruthlessly manipulated oil prices to their previous level, because Russia is the world’s largest energy exporter.
They also had the U. S. pressure the West’s other Lackey Governments to adopt round after round of ever more-punitive ‘economic sanctions’ against Russia, ‘punishing it’ for supposed misdeeds which were nothing more than the fabrications of its own propaganda. Then, as the supposed coup de grace; they had ordered that Russia be expelled from ‘SWIFT’.

This post was published at BullionBullsCanada on Saturday, 14 March 2015.