Caught on Tape – SEC Director Grovels for a Private Equity Job for His Teenage Son While Speaking on Panel

The following video clip will make you extremely sick to your stomach. Not that we didn’t already know the U. S. economy is nothing more than a rigged oligarch shell of its former self, but to see SEC Director of the Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations, Andrew Bowden, grovel for a job for his son in front of a private equity industry audience certainly represents a new low.
If you recall, Andrew Bowden was first brought to your attention last year in the post, SEC Official Claims Over 50% of Private Equity Audits Reveal Criminal Behavior, which discussed how Mr. Bowden admitted in a talk that ‘more than 50 percent of private equity firms it has audited have engaged in serious infractions of securities laws.’ This sort of honesty is never rewarded within a crony, corrupt economic system that depends so heavily on regulatory capture for riches. As such, he quickly recognized the gravity of his error, and has since decided to get on his hands and knees and pucker up to the private equity industry whenever possible.

This post was published at Liberty Blitzkrieg on Mar 22, 2015.