ISISI Led Paramilitary Forces Are Probing US Defenses In Preparation for a Major Attack

There are claims that are going to be made in this article that will, on the surface, seem to be quite unbelievable. However, the facts have established that ISIS and their partners (e.g. Hamas, Sinoloas , Zetas, Sanchez Peredes) have penetrated into the United States and have set up deep cover residence. This latter fact is not surprising. What is surprising is that ISIS has engaged the US military and the the US military has engaged an ISIS led conglomeration of terror groups on US soil.
In the first part of this article, the case supporting a strong ISIS presence on American soil is made. In the second part of the article, the case for the engagement of ISIS led forces is offered.
ISIS Participation in the Ferguson Riots
My friend and fellow broadcaster, John Moore, issued the following email in late November of 2014 which contained the following excerpts:

This post was published at The Common Sense Show on 08/11/2015.