Freak-Out Over Weird Armored Trucks Motorcade Stuffed with Cash In Argentina

Who’s getting this cash from the outgoing government?
Residents of the city of Ro Gallegos in the province of Santa Cruz, Argentina, witnessed a surprising sight yesterday afternoon when at least five bright yellow armored trucks accompanied by heavily armed police paraded through the city.
The trucks reportedly arrived empty to the local airport Piloto Fernndez, where they were loaded up with an estimated AR$1.3 billion in cash. Three of the five trucks delivered their load to banks in the city of Ro Gallegos, while the other two continued on likely to Tierra del Fuego further south.
Local news organization OPI Santa Cruz reported on the unusual activity, likely prompting an official response from the Bank of Santa Cruz stating that ‘the movement of the armored trucks observed in the past few hours in Bank of Santa Cruz branches in Ro Gallegos corresponds to the normal operation of the Central Bank of the Republic of Argentina (BCRA) and the Regional Treasury.’

This post was published at Wolf Street by Bianca Fernet ‘ November 28, 2015.