FBI Arrest Cliven Bundy at Portland Airport – Charged with Federal Conspiracy

21st Century Wire
Cliven Bundy, the Nevada rancher at the center of a major federal standoff in 2014, was arrested by FBI agents at around 10pm Wednesday evening as he touched down at Portland International Airport.
Bundy, 74 yrs old, of Bunkerville, Nevada, was taken to Oregon’s Multnomah County detention center and charged with ‘conspiracy to interfere with a federal officer’ – the same federal felony charge made two weeks ago against of his two sons, Ammon and Ryan Bundy.
According to Oregon Live, Cliven Bundy, ‘also faces weapons charges,’ although their reporter, Les Zaitz, did not elaborate on what that meant exactly.
Bundy’s dramatic arrest came as he was planning to meet up with staunch Bundy supporter, Nevada Assemblywoman Michele Fiore, for a Q & A press conference in Portland scheduled for early Thursday morning, presumably to advocate for the Bundy sons and others currently under federal incarceration, and to help mediate a peaceful resolution for the remaining 4 occupiers still held-up at the Malheur Wildlife Refuge outside of Burns, Oregon.

This post was published at 21st Century Wire on FEBRUARY 11, 2016.