Over the years in my own articles, I have used the terms ‘creeping fascism,’ ‘growing police state,’ and ‘descent into totalitarianism’ among others to describe the domestic situation in which we find ourselves. I have often written that, if Americans do not stand up to the myriad of laws being passed by federal, state, and local governments we will soon wake up to find ourselves in an Orwellian police state nightmare.
Now, however, I cringe whenever I read those words in contemporary articles. This is because such warnings are so far past their time they are utterly useless. In fact, they may do more to hurt any potential for change in American society than they do to promote it.
These warnings work on the supposition that the U. S. is not a police state yet but, if things do not change, it will become one in the future. Thus, the readers are left with the impression that, while their freedoms are being taken away, the police state is somewhere down the road – in the future – and they have plenty of time to entertain themselves until it comes knocking on their door with a uniform and a bright flashing neon sign that says ‘ATTENTION!!! POLICE STATE!!!’

This post was published at The Daily Sheeple on MARCH 3, 2016.