Former UK Ambassador To Syria: US/UK Foreign Policy Is Doomed, Even Corrupt

Peter Ford, who was the UK’s Ambassador in Syria during 2003-2006, was asked by the BBC in their ‘The Big Questions’ interview on February 14th, whether the current Syrian President Bashar al-Assad would have to be a part of the solution in that country after the war is over, and Ambassador Ford said:
‘I think sadly, but inevitably, he is. Realistically, Assad is not going to be overthrown. This becomes more clear with every day that passes. Western analysts have been indulging in wishful thinking for 5 years; it’s time to get real, we owe it to the Syrian people to be much more realistic and hard headed about this. The West has to stop propping up the so-called ‘moderate opposition’, which is not moderate at all.’
This was quoted by Almasdar News on February 18th, which went on to note that,
“The frustrated interviewer asked Mr. Ford about ‘what we should have done,’ and he responded that ‘we should have backed off, we should have not tried to overthrow the regime.’ Mr. Ford eloquently added that this policy has been ‘like a dog returning to vomit.”

This post was published at Zero Hedge on 03/04/2016.