Turkish Government Reports Military Coup Crushed

*********************** 07/16/16 07:15 ET LATEST NEWS ************************
The following links are from the Hurriyet Daily News in Turkey which is not back online in English and sums up the end of the coup and the damage that has been done:
194 killed in quashed Glenist coup attempt: Military
Turkey urges US that harboring Glen is a hostile act after coup attempt
1563 detained over coup attempt
Turkey demands return of eight plotter soldiers who landed on Greece
Coup plotters will pay for what they did: Erdoan
With Erdogan back in charge, there will be a massive purge within the military and a brutal crackdown within the nation. As America shifts its news coverage to the political conventions, the nation of Turkey will cease being a modern secular democracy and devolve into a quasi-Islamist dictatorship; which is fine with President Obama.

This post was published at John Galt Fla on July 15, 2016.