“Politically Correct” Rio Olympics Amid Anti-Russia Cold War Hysteria

Submitted by Finian Cunningham via Strategic-Culture.org,
In absurd reality-disconnect, Brazilian authorities are trying to maintain a politically correct image during the Rio Olympics, while the entire games are imbued with nasty Cold War politics.
By politically correct we mean the apparent absence of politics. But that absence is partial, unilateral and false, and the forced measure is itself a very political act.
The Brazilian Olympics organizers are claiming that it is against the charter of the International Olympics Committee to allow any form of political expression within the sporting venues. And so, they claim, in the interest of public decorum and decency, the Olympics venues must be kept politics free in order to not discommode other spectators or global television audiences.
Hence, sports fans have been reportedly bounced out of stadiums by burly police squads at the slightest hint of disturbance. Several Brazilian spectators have been ordered to leave venues for daring to shout out fora Temer – a Portuguese reference to interim president Michel Temer, demanding that he quit office.

This post was published at Zero Hedge on Aug 13, 2016.