Bombshell: Zika fraud leads to mosquito spraying and autism

The title of this piece could have been, ‘When the cure for a problem causes the problem.’
Naled, the organophosphate pesticide now being sprayed on Miami to kill ‘Zika mosquitoes,’ has dire effects.
Reference: a 2014 study, ‘Neurodevelopmental disorders and prenatal residential proximity to agricultural pesticides: the CHARGE study.’ [Environmental Health Perspectives, 2014 Oct;122(10):1103-9.] Key quotes from the study:
‘Gestational exposure to several common agricultural pesticides can induce developmental neurotoxicity in humans, and has been associated with developmental delay and autism.’ [Emphasis added] ‘We evaluated whether residential proximity to agricultural pesticides during pregnancy is associated with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) or developmental delay (DD)…’

This post was published at Jon Rappoport on Aug 13, 2016.