Give Thanks or Give The Bird?

So which will it be?
I think it’s “give the bird”, although I’ll suspend disbelief for a day in order to toss a bird on the grill before I flip a few toward Mordor located to the Northeast.
Without The Rule of Law there is absolutely no reason for anyone to hold any office in this nation in high regard, nor give the office or the person in it deference or any degree of respect. That’s true of the President, it’s true of the FBI, it’s true of the IRS, it’s true of a state cop, it’s true of every aspect of government from the highest to most-lowly.
Cooperate and volunteer? No. Engage in entrepreneurship? No. Innovate? No.
Donald Trump was elected President in no small part because he promised to return The Rule of Law to America. There is no place in this nation where the refusal to honor The Rule of Law has impacted people more than when it comes to Health Care. Nearly one dollar in five spent in the economy is consumed by it and 37% of federal spending last fiscal year ending in September.

This post was published at Market-Ticker on 2016-11-24.