High risk of imminent large scale military operations in the Donbass — The Saker

Most of you must by now have heard various reports about the rapidly deteriorating situation in the Ukraine. Many, however, might have dismissed them because, let’s be honest here, we have had so many false warnings about an imminent Ukronazi attack that we got used to them. In fact, there have been numerous previous incidents, but this time around I see enough indicators and warnings to warrant another warning. Here are the new elements:
1. Over the past couple of months the Ukrainians have gradually amassed a very large force estimated by most observers are 120’000 soldiers. Some units were moved away from the Crimean border and the city of Mariupol and deployed all along the line of contact in the Donbass.
2. The Ukronazis have officially admitted that they are implementing what they call a ‘frog leap’ tactic in the Donbass which consists of slowly but constantly taking control of the gray zone supposed to separate the two sides and they are not reporting about the territories they have ‘liberated’.
3. Poroshenko is, by all accounts, totally clueless as how to proceed. This weakness if felt by key Ukrainian politicians who recently have made strong statements in support of a military ‘solution’. Those politicians include Yulia Timoshenko and Dmitry Iarosh. If Poroshenko does nothing, they call him a coward, if he orders an attack on the Donbass they will call him a loser. For the Nazis, this is a win-win situation.
4. There is a consensus opinion amongst experts that the Ukronazi junta is horrified by the election of Donald Trump and that they see only one option to force the hand of Trump: to force Russia to openly intervene in defense of the Novorussian Republics which would, of course, result in a military defeat for the Ukraine but also a political victory as the US and EU cannot allow Russian to openly defeat the Ukrainians without reacting.

This post was published at The Saker