James Comey just mislead the Senate while under oath when said Wikileaks "doesn't call us". We did over #Vault7 and I know he knows it.
— Julian Assange (@JulianAssange) May 3, 2017

The entire government is turning on WikiLeaks, and this shift began shortly after Donald Trump’s inauguration. While the whistleblowing website was releasing information about Hillary Clinton, the right was largely silent and even praised Julian Assange. But the tables have turned since Vault 7’s release, and there’s probably a reason why, but Assange is firing back in the meantime.
FBI director James Comey, who claimed he was ‘mildly nauseous’ over potentially swaying the election, has been knee deep in many issues and scandals (such as Hillary Clinton’s email debacle.) These instances have pushed him into headlines and continue to revolve around WikiLeaks seemingly constant dump of information to the public. But now Comey has followed in the footsteps of the CIA chief in blasting WikiLeaks for giving the public the cold hard truth we deserve.
Testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Comey was asked why the United States had not charged WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange with a crime. Comey said he had to be careful with his answer, because he did not want to confirm whether there were charges pending against Assange, but then responded: ‘He hasn’t been apprehended because he is inside the Ecuadorian embassy in London.’ -Politico

This post was published at The Daily Sheeple on MAY 4, 2017.