What You Missed in Trump’s Tweet About China’s Failure

U. S. President Donald Trump’s tweet about China – posted yesterday afternoon (June 20) just after 2:30 p.m. – immediately had media outlets buzzing.
Some news sites suspected that it was actually a warning about how Trump is preparing for war with North Korea:
‘Trump Tweet Hints North Korea Tension Will Heat Up Again’ – Newsday ‘Trump Just Sent a Mystifying, Disturbing Tweet About North Korea’ – VOX ‘High Noon in North Korea: Is Trump Ready for War?’ – The Daily Beast ‘Did Trump Just Declare War on a Nuclear Weapons State Over Twitter?’ – New York Magazine Other (arguably less dramatic) media outlets posited that Trump, via Twitter, was actually nudging China to pick up its efforts in countering North Korea’s threats – as if to say, ‘Thanks for trying, China, but you failed. However, you still have an opportunity to redeem yourself by agreeing to more North Korea sanctions during today’s talks.’
The outlets in this latter camp quoted several experts, who explained their thoughts on Trump’s mid-afternoon tweet.

This post was published at Wall Street Examiner on June 21, 2017.