GRENFELL TOWER: Boris Johnson Gives Millions to Fake White Helmets in Syria, Makes Savage Cuts to London Fire Service

Vanessa Beeley says…
An appalling crime was committed by a member of the UK, US, EU and Gulf state multi-million-funded White Helmets on the 21st June 2017, one week after the Grenfell Tower tragedy shocked London to the core. The White Helmet operative in question was filmed climbing over the dismembered corpses of murdered Syrian Arab Army soldiers while the severed head of one of the soldiers was held aloft as a gruesome trophy by the extremist fighters responsible for their deaths.
The White Helmet operative has been ‘sacked’ according to the statement released by the organisation. He has been ‘sacked’ for breaching the White Helmet ‘code of ethics’. So these days, participating in the murder of prisoners of war, the mutilation of their bodies and the dumping of those bodies into a waste tip is a ‘sackable offence’? Dont we all feel so reassured that terrorist acts that violate every, single Geneva convention on the treatment of POWs and constitue supreme crimes against humanity, are a ‘sackable’ offence. Dont we all feel relieved that this White Helmet’s wrist has been slapped and his T Shirt taken away from him? If we have a single human bone in our body, no we dont!

This post was published at 21st Century Wire on JUNE 24, 2017.