The single-most important requirement of any Plan B –

It’s really easy to love Italy. The food. The scenery. The weather. The art and architectural splendor. The welcoming culture.
Then there’s the history, which is one of my favorite aspects of this country.
In the 5,000-year record of our civilization, Italy was the world’s dominant superpower not once, but twice.
The first time was in ancient Rome, an empire that grew from humble beginnings to rank among the greatest ever known.
Before Rome, it was the Greeks who ruled the known world. And Rome’s meteoric rise to power coincided with the Greek’s own terminal decline.
The Greeks knew it was happening, too. They could see it. Greek historian Polybius, who lived in Rome and witnessed its rapid growth in the 2nd century BC, wrote,
‘Who is so worthless or indolent as to not wish to understand by what means and under what system of polity the Romans, in less than 53 years, have succeeded in subjecting the whole inhabited world to their sole government – a thing unique in history?’
The second time Italy was the world’s dominant superpower was during the very early Renaissance period, more than eight centuries ago in the northern city-states – Venice, Florence, etc.
While the rest of Europe was a plague-infested feudal backwater, Italy was thriving, prosperous, and free.

This post was published at Sovereign Man on June 28, 2017.