New York Times Forced To Retract Longstanding ’17 Intel Agencies’ Lie About Russian Hacking

Authored by Caitlin Johnstone via,
‘Seventeen intelligence agencies’? – ?if you’ve been following the maniacal #TrumpRussia coverage to any extent, you’ve heard this phrase used uncritically, time and again, regardless of your ideological loyalties. Pundits, papers and rank-and-file establishment loyalists have been unquestioningly regurgitating the nonsensical line that 17 intelligence agencies confirmed Russian interference in the US elections ever since Hillary Clinton made that baseless assertion in a debate back in October.
Clinton's "17 US intelligence agencies" may be the biggest, most immediately disprovable wopper ever intentionally made during a debate.
— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) October 20, 2016

This post was published at Zero Hedge on Jun 30, 2017.