If the EU goes down, all life ceases to exist

I’ll get to the European Union in a minute, but first a bit of background.
System building – how do you do it? In particular, how do you build a perverse structure?
There are three sequential steps:
One: Secretly create the system.
Two: Once it’s up and running and established, act as if you’re a mere participant in the system.
Three: Claim that the system is absolutely necessary, and without it, things would collapse.
When those three steps have been accomplished, you can add other flourishes. For example, sometimes you can get away with saying the system was never created at all; it arose organically because there was a need for it. That’s a good one.
The propaganda: ‘It wasn’t planned from the top. It came about as a response to the need for peace among nations, the need for a common market and a uniform currency, the need for an end to brutal nationalism, etc.’

This post was published at Jon Rappoport on July 16, 2017.