Five Weird Conspiracy Theories From CIA Director Mike Pompeo

Mike Pompeo sounds increasingly unhinged when talking about Russia, Wikileaks and the media.
In a tirade against Russia based news outlets RT and Sputnik, Donald Trump’s CIA Director Mike Pompeo blasted Russia for interfering not only in the 2016 US Presidential election but ‘the one before that and the one before that’. This would imply that Russia helped install Barack Obama in the White House even after his severely anti-Russian foreign policy became well known.
These statements are blasted by Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in the following way:
If (Pompeo’s) statements mean that we interfered in the elections in 2008 and 2012 that means that President Obama owes us his victories. I’ll refrain from comment. In my opinion, this crosses the lines of what is reasonable.

This post was published at Zero Hedge on Jul 23, 2017.