It’s Not Over: ‘How The US Could Lose A War Against North Korea And End Up In Ruins’

By now everyone is thoroughly inundated with information regarding the stances and standoff between President Trump and the U. S., and Kim Jong-Un and North Korea. This is where ‘oversaturation’ can lead to ignoring what is going on, followed up by complacency. Americans in general have low attention spans and become easily bored with or tired of a situation that is ongoing. The Vietnam war is a prime example of this, and that was followed with the second war in Iraq. In both instances, growing public dissension and the time factor were the two biggest ‘death rattles’ for both conflicts being discontinued prior to completion.
The point here is that the American people had more ‘patience’ with World War II…a clear and real danger on all fronts by numerous enemy nations. The standoff with North Korea is not anything new: it has been in full gear, now, for about ten years. It was only through the intentional ‘laissaiz-faire’ policy of Obama that North Korea has been able to reach its present state, where it constitutes a real threat: ‘real’ meaning that it can strike the United States with a nuclear attack. In the past three to four years, that capability has increased exponentially, and now their response (if we attack) or their own first strike is viable.
There is an important article that was submitted to All News Pipeline on August 12, 2017. As a matter of fact, the article is so important that it truly eclipses all the different pieces previously released. Stefan Stanford and Susan Duclos of All News Pipeline have been tireless and undaunted in their efforts to release as much information as they have over the years concerning North Korea, EMP Strikes against the U. S., and the current march toward a second Cold War. I am printing it here because this time right now is almost a ‘limbo’ period…awaiting the two nations and their leaders’ decisions whether there will be a war or whether it will be avoided.
The bottom line: there are people who need this information, and it just may help them to make the decision to prepare or not.
Stefan and Susan should receive an award for their timely and accurate reporting on such a subject as this potential war with North Korea. I have also written this before, and I stand by it now:

This post was published at shtfplan on August 15th, 2017.