Australia: jail young children without charges; they wouldn’t do that; oh yes they would

Australia: jail young children without charges; they wouldn’t do that; oh yes they would
And it’s a perfect ‘bait and switch’
It’s still labeled a proposal, but it has widespread support among Australia’s political leaders.
The BBC: ‘…proposals that could see children as young as 10 held for two weeks without charge under new terror legislation.’
‘State and territorial leaders approved the plans with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull at a Coalition of Australian Governments (COAG) meeting…’
The public hasn’t seen any details of the plan.
It’s obviously aimed at children who are suspected of preparing to commit terrorist acts, or children who are suspected of already committing those acts. Evidence would be lacking, formal charges wouldn’t be filed, but the children would still be arrested and held.
Let’s cut to the bottom lines. There are already laws which cover arresting children-terrorists. Yes, there needs to be evidence of some kind, but why is that a problem? For example, if federal police found a compound where children were being trained to handle weapons, and it was clear the intention was terrorism, those children could be taken into custody and investigated.
To understand the deeper point, however, you need to recognize that a new law restricting freedom for one reason can and will be expanded to include more reasons – all in the name of public safety and protection, of course. What creeps along the ground today stands up and runs wild tomorrow.

This post was published at Jon Rappoport on October 16, 2017.