Hillary Clinton, Who Colluded With The Russians, Questions The Legitimacy Of The 2016 Elections Because….Russia

Failed former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is now directly questioning the legitimacy of the 2016 elections, citing the discredited deep state narrative that Donald Trump worked with the Russians as one of her reasons despite the fact that her own campaign colluded with ‘Russian sources’ to spread disinformation about President Trump through what would eventually become known as the ‘Trump dossier.’
Clinton made the comments in a wide ranging interview with the always friendly Mother Jones Senior Reporter Ari Berman where she stated that there are many questions about the actual legitimacy of the last presidential election in which she lost.
During the interview Berman asked Clinton, ‘So between the Republican voter suppression you talked about and Russian interference, do you think it was a legitimate election?’
‘I think that there are lots of questions about its legitimacy, and we don’t have a method for contesting that in our system. That’s why I’ve long advocated for an independent commission to get to the bottom of what happened. Because, look, this is the first time we’ve ever been attacked by a foreign adversary, and then they suffer no real consequences,’ Clinton replied.
‘And so, I’m worried that we’re not learning all the lessons, it’s one of the reasons why I wrote the book. Because I wanted people at least to understand what I saw as the factors, including shortcomings of myself and my campaign. But the forces at work outside my campaign are not going away. Somebody else is going to be running for Congress, or governor, or eventually president. We’ve got to know how to protect ourselves.’

This post was published at shtfplan on November 17th, 2017.