Hillary Clinton as US President May Not be Good for Markets; She is a War Monger: Marc Faber

Contrary to popular belief on the impact of US Presidential election results, Marc Faber the author of the The Gloom, Boom & Doom Report, is of the view that Hillary Clinton’s victory may not be positive for the global markets. Calling Hillary Clinton a war monger, Faber says that if she is elected, international tensions will increase. ‘The belief is that if Trump gets elected then it would be negative for the asset markets, US markets. A Hillary victory would be positive. I am not so sure about this belief because Hillary is basically a neocon and a war monger,’ Faber told CNBC TV-18. ‘She has supported the invasion of a variety of countries already. So her election may lead to more international tensions,’ Faber said.

This post was published at Lew Rockwell on October 21, 2016.

Lendman Reports that Russia Keeps Making The Same Mistake Over And Over

Russian/Syrian good faith ceasefire efforts to provide humanitarian relief for thousands of eastern Aleppo residents held hostage as human shields by US-backed terrorists failed as expected.
Ceasefire plays into their [ISIS] hands, letting them regroup, rearm and mobilize for further attacks – with full US support and encouragement.
Russia and Syria know what’s going on and why. So why extend ceasefire another day, two or longer, letting terrorist forces grow stronger? The only way to liberate eastern Aleppo is by smashing them entirely, forcing their remaining elements to surrender or die.
On Friday, Russian General Sergey Rudskoi said extending the humanitarian pause followed requests by pro-Western organizations, including the UN, supporting America’s imperial project.
Russia agreed despite ‘so-called opposition groups and their curators’ preventing anyone from leaving eastern Aleppo. Those trying risk death or serious injury.

This post was published at Paul Craig Roberts on October 23, 2016.

President Strangelove?

Is the Iraqi city of Mosul on the border with Syria, as Mrs. Clinton averred during the third presidential debate?
No way.
Exactly no one has called her out on this. I guess you have to be Gary Johnson, rather than a former Secretary of State, for the mainstream media to start mocking you over your lack of geographical knowledge. And this was no inconsequential error: it’s supposedly key to her strategy that after ‘we’ take Mosul we’re going to ‘press into Syria.’
Did seventeen US intelligence agencies say that the Russians hacked the Democratic National Committee’s server and John Podesta’s inbox, as Hillary Clinton asserted Wednesday night?
Mrs. Clinton’s claim here is worth going into in some depth. It came in the context of a question from Chris Wallace about her speech to a gaggle of bankers in which she said ‘My dream is a hemispheric common market with open trade and open borders.’ She defended herself, not very convincingly, by saying that she was only talking about energy, but this seems disingenuous at best. In any case, what’s interesting about this is that in order to change the subject quickly she pivoted to one of the most disturbing diatribes ever uttered in the course of a presidential contest:

This post was published at Lew Rockwell on October 22, 2016.

Are The Polls Rigged Against Trump? All Of These Wildly Divergent Surveys Cannot Possibly Be Correct

Some of these polls are going to turn out to be dead wrong. With just over two weeks to go until election day, some surveys are showing a very tight race, while others say that Hillary Clinton has a massive lead. For example, the tracking polls put out by Rasmussen, the L. A. Times and IBD/TIPP have all consistently shown that the race is either tied or Donald Trump is winning by a small margin. But Fox News has Hillary Clinton ahead by six points, Bloomberg has Clinton ahead by nine points, and the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll has Clinton ahead by twelve points. So what in the world is going on here? If the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll is correct, we are likely to see a landslide of historic proportions for Clinton, and this is what many of the experts are now projecting. But if Rasmussen and the L. A. Times are correct, the race could easily go either way. So who are we supposed to believe? Could it be possible that some of the polls are rigged against Trump?
Well, when you take a closer look at the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll, it does appear that it is not as accurate as it could be. It turns out that those that conducted the survey purposely included 9 percent more Democrats than Republicans…
‘METHODOLOGY – This ABC News poll was conducted by landline and cellular telephone Oct. 20-22, 2016, in English and Spanish, among a random national sample of 874 likely voters. Results have a margin of sampling error of 3.5 points, including the design effect. Partisan divisions are 36-27-31 percent, Democrats – Republicans – Independents.’

This post was published at The Economic Collapse Blog on October 23rd, 2016.

Bombshell: CDC commits new vaccine-autism crime

Here are the bones of the story. For the first time in 30 years, a vaccine-damage case has gone before a court judge. Lawyers for a 16-year-old autistic boy are suing a medical clinic for administering vaccines that brought about the autism. The CDC, of course, denies any connection between vaccines and autism. But one of its own long-time researchers, William Thompson, has publicly confessed to fraud in that area. Thompson states that he and his colleagues concealed research data that would have shown the MMR vaccine and mercury-laden vaccines do cause autism. The lawyers for the 16-year-old boy want to bring in Thompson to testify about what he knows. The CDC has said NO. The head of the CDC, Thomas Frieden, states, ‘Dr. William Thompson’s deposition testimony would not substantially promote the objectives of CDC or HHS [the Department of Health and Human Services].’
Well, he’s right, because the CDC is the PR arm of the vaccine industry. The CDC is a major purchaser of vaccines for the US federal government. If this boy won his case, other cases would follow. The potential monetary exposure in judgments? A trillion dollars or more.
Ecowatch.com has the details:

This post was published at Jon Rappoport on October 21, 2016.


The following video was published by SGTreport.com on Oct 23, 2016
Hillary Clinton is the Queen of the New World Order and the mainstream mockingbird media is colluding with the DNC and the Clinton campaign to HIDE her documented crimes from the American people. JS Mineset’s Bill Holter is back to help document the collapse. Bill says that the United States is becoming a banana republic right before our eyes. As Donald Trump recently stated, “The Clinton machine is at the center of this power structure. We’ve seen this firsthand with the Wikileaks documents in which Hillary Clinton meets in secret, with international banks to plot the destruction of U. S. sovereignty. The Clintons are criminals.” And still, the CIA mockingbird media targetsTrump while giving Clinton a free pass. The fix is in.

Did The White House Just Declare War On Russia?

This past week, America’s oldest continuously published weekly magazine, the Nation, asked the question: has the White House declared war on Russia?As the two nuclear powers sabre-rattle over conflicts within Syria, and to some extent, over the Ukrainian crisis, asking these questions to determine who will pull the trigger first has become more paramount than it was at the peak of the Cold War.
The Nation’s contributing editor, Stephen F. Cohen, reported Vice President Joe Biden’s statement that the White House was preparing to send Vladimir Putin a ‘message’ – most likely in the form of a cyber attack – amounted to a virtual ‘American declaration of war on Russia’ in Russia’s eyes. Biden’s threat is reportedly in response to allegations that Russia hacked Democratic Party offices in order to disrupt the presidential election.

This post was published at Zero Hedge on Oct 23, 2016.

Dems Squirm On Sunday Morning Talk Shows As WikiLeaks And O’Keefe Promise More Surprises

Clinton strategist Joel Benenson was squirming in his seat for just about every second of the following interview with George Stephanopoulos this morning on ABC. We suspect Benenson didn’t expect to be pushed quite so hard by a long-time Clinton loyalist like Stephanopoulos. Of course, the interview came just a ABC released a poll this morning showing a 12-point national advantage for Hillary which is perhaps why Stephanopoulos feels a little more comfortable actually doing his job in an impartial way.
The interview starts out with a review of O’Keefe’s Project Veritas video exposing efforts of the DNC to incite violence at Trump rallies which prompts the following question from Stephanopoulos…
Stephanopoulos: “This is pretty shocking stuff. Now I know there have been questions about these O’Keefe videos in the past. Yet, both of those operatives who were in those videos have now resigned and they did receive money from the DNC, they were subcontractors. Isn’t this exactly the kind of behavior you all have been talking about?” …and then the squirming begins.

This post was published at Zero Hedge on Oct 23, 2016.

Raising the Stakes: U.S. to station 300 Marines in Norway as tensions rise with Russia

October 2016 – NORWAY – Russia expressed surprise Friday about the mooted deployment of U. S. troops in neighboring Norway. ‘Taking into account multiple statements made by Norwegian officials about the absence of threat from Russia to Norway, we would like to understand why Norway is so much willing to increase its military potential, in particular through the stationing of American forces in Vaernes,’ Maxime Gourov, the spokesman at the Russian embassy in Oslo said in an email sent to AFP.
Vaernes lies about 1,000 kilometers (600 miles) from the Russian-Norwegian frontier. On October 10, the Norwegian defense ministry said its military and that of the United States were holding preliminary discussions about the possibility of such a deployment and about ‘additional training and storage. It may be something that is carried out on a rotational basis… (but) there is no question of permanent deployment,’ a ministry spokesman, Ann Kristin Salbuvik, told AFP. The tentative discussions take place against a backdrop of increasing tensions between Russia and the West, notably over Ukraine and the conflict in Syria.

This post was published at UtopiatheCollapse on October 23, 2016.

Elite’s War on Free Speech, Free Press, Free Internet and the Truth

‘A populace deprived of the ability to separate lies from truth, is no longer capable of sustaining a free society.’
Journalist Chris Hedges
As the ruling elite pushes its rigged election, forcibly cramming crime boss Hillary down our gullets against the people’s choice or will, so goes suppression of information rapidly shutting off the truth spigot, leaving Americans high and dry, starved of honesty by their oligarchic owned and controlled crime cabal government. Signs that the globalists are panicking are visible every day as they aggressively provoke World War IIItimed with the collapse of their morally and financially bankrupted global economy. And with two-thirds of Americans living from paycheck to paycheck, the future does not look bright.
The latest over-the-top signs reflecting the globalists’ aggressive desperation are the UK’s RTbank closing its account and cutting off Julian Assange’s internet access in London. It’s bad enough that the WikiLeaks founder has effectively been imprisoned for over four years trapped in the Ecuadorian Embassy, but now he’s apparently been cut off from internet contact with the outside world and media in Ecuador is swimming with the sharks eagerly urging reconsideration of his asylum status.
These two significant and most definitely intertwined events coming hours apart out of London are just the beginning of the elite’s major assault on free speech and freedom of the press, in effect putting a final cap on the truth ever leaking out to a truth-starved world. The globalists’ fixation on absolute power and control is currently manifesting as deep state’s invasive silencing of any and all voices of truth and dissidence, starting with these two biggies. Completely cutting off the world’s free access to accurate information from legitimate sources still authentically reporting world news events and developments past and present is the rulers’ highest priority right now on the eve of the election. And with both WikiLeaks and RT in their crosshairs, the elite has fired its first major shot across the bow. All totalitarian regimes suppress dissent and truth becomes their biggest enemy.

This post was published at Lew Rockwell on October 22, 2016.

Will Hillary’s body double be the next President? (fiction)

Dear Mom,
I’m trying to be exactly like Hillary. I really am. That’s my job.
I hope this message gets through. The people around me are supposed to be ‘tight security,’ but they aren’t all that attentive.
Some of them don’t like Hillary and Bill.
Anyway, can you believe I might become the next President of the United States?
When I was trying to win those little beauty contests back in Kansas, the most I was hoping for was a good-looking boyfriend. But you told me I was smart and I could shoot for something higher. It wasn’t until college that I realized I had a mind. And remember, I was always good at imitations. Well, mom, I’ve got an imitation going now!
In the house where I’m staying, Bill came to visit. I think he wanted to grope me, but I told him I wanted to stick to the script, meaning since he and Hillary have no sex life, then he and I shouldn’t have one, either. Besides, he looks very unhealthy, and I was afraid he might collapse if we…you get the picture.
I told my handlers I wanted to read all of Hillary’s speeches, but they told me it wasn’t necessary. They aren’t interested in my brain, only my ability to sound and look like Hillary. They say they’ll ‘take it from there.’ I’m not sure what that means. Time will tell.

This post was published at Jon Rappoport on Oct 23, 2016.

Stone: Wikileaks, Mike Morell, Russia, and Me

As someone involved in politics for more than 40 years, I can attest to the fact that you ruffle some feathers and, dare I say, make some enemies along the way. So what? If the bed-wetters and pearl-clutchers aren’t upset with you, you aren’t making a difference.
Politics ain’t beanbag, as the saying goes, and I’m no stranger to controversy or a fight. I’ve been called just about every name in the book, and new books could be written using just the words that have been created to attack me.
But there is one word that no one has ever attempted to attach to me before this week: traitor.
Think of me what you will, I love my country. I’ve spent my life defending it from those who seek to harm it, both foreign and domestic. So imagine my surprise when a third-rate bureaucrat cum fourth-rate partisan former CIA Deputy CIA Director Mike Morell accused me of ‘actually working on behalf of the Russians.’
Congressman Jerry Nadler started this witch hunt when he called on FBI Director Comey (director of the Sandy Berger, Mark Rich, and Hillary e-mail cover-ups) to investigate me for my non-existent ties to Russia. I am accused of treason. That’s what Nadler, CIA hack Michael Morell, and the Clinton thugs have accused me of. It is, to put it mildly, bullshit. And they know it.

This post was published at Lew Rockwell on October 22, 2016.

Which Would Be The Better Economist Cover?

The Pro-Clinton, Anti-Putin propaganda machine of the western media continues to pump out demonization drudgery to ensure when war is unleashed, a sheep-like America will line up behing their ‘chosen’ leader to cheer on the nukes (and to distract attention from the demise of US hegemony and the loss of the American Dream).
In 2014, Newsweek celebrated its return to print with this little beauty…

This post was published at Zero Hedge on Oct 23, 2016.

Given the state of affairs, nuclear war with Russia won’t start tomorrow, or next week – but it could happen soon

October 2016 – WASHINGTON/MOSCOW – Fears of World War 3 starting at any moment have gotten so bad that even Russian officials are stockpiling necessities and advising others to do the same – in case there is a nuclear war. In fact, while NATO and Western leaders talk excitedly about a possible invasion of Europe by an aggressive Russia, many in that country believe that an attack might be coming from the West. One Russian official even thinks that a nuclear war might break out between the United States and Russia before the American presidential election.
The Daily Beast reported this week that at least one Russian official believes tensions between the United States and Russia are so heightened that it would take very little to set off a major military altercation. Sergei Markov, a member of the Civic Chamber (a government oversight and consultative institution in Moscow), fears World War 3 might start soon. Duma Deputy Vadim Dengin also expressed concern, but he was hopeful that there would not be a war with the United States. ‘I cannot understand why the West cannot just leave us in peace, let us be,’ he said. ‘Americans should realize that it will be their children looking for shelters, too, if they are serious about attacking Russia.’

This post was published at UtopiatheCollapse on October 23, 2016.

SUNDAY SCREENING: In the Name of the Profit (2016)

21st Century Wire says…
Out weekly documentary feature curated by our editorial team at 21WIRE.
‘An RT Documentary crew filming in northern Syria has seen Islamic State (IS, ISIS/ISIL) documents abandoned by retreating terrorists and found by the Kurds that, along with captured IS recruits, provide a stunning insight into the ISIS oil trade. Only ten days after the town of Shaddadi in Syrian Kurdistan was liberated from the ISIS militants, an RT Doc film crew followed Kurdish soldiers around houses that had been abandoned in haste by fleeing jihadists. There, they found documents shedding light on the ISIS oil trade, jihadist passports with Turkish entry stamps, an instruction booklet – printed in Turkey – on how to wage war against the Syrian government, and more.’


This post was published at 21st Century Wire on OCTOBER 23, 2016.

Risk Of “Mass Exodus” Of Doctors From Medicare Looms

Submitted by John O’Shea via Liezette.com,
In what may be the most significant modification to Medicare since the program began in 1966, on Oct. 15, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released the final rule for implementing the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA). It dramatically changes how Medicare pays doctors for their services.
Does it really matter how doctors get paid? Yes – the success or failure of the new payment system will profoundly influence the future of the U. S. health care system. And while the goals of MACRA are laudable, its implementation carries a number of unknowns and the potential for unintended consequences – for patients and doctors alike.
Before MACRA, Medicare used a fee-for-service payment system, reimbursing separately for each individual service provided, without regard to the quality of the care. The new system will reward doctors for providing high-quality, efficient care that leads to better patient outcomes, and penalize those who fail to do so. At least – that’s the idea.
MACRA creates two pathways for physician payment. There’s the Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS), which will pay doctors based on how they score on a number of performance metrics relative to their peers. The second pathway will reward doctors who participate in Alternative Payment Models (APMs) meant to promote high-quality, cost-efficient care by incentivizing doctors to work together toward a common purpose: improving patient outcomes while eliminating unnecessary spending.

This post was published at Zero Hedge on Oct 23, 2016.

Hillary Clinton: Our long national nightmare is just beginning

October 2016 – WASHINGTON – In less than three weeks, get used to hearing about president-elect Hillary, she and husband Bill is heading back to the White House in January for a third co-presidential term – by fair or foul means. What’s coming should terrify everyone. She’ll largely be calling the shots this time, surrounded with like-minded neocons, war lords, recycled Wall Street crooks, and other assorted miscreants. The most perilous time in world history is about to worsen with her as US president. Expect America’s war on humanity to escalate dramatically, perhaps striking US soil for the first time since war with Britain in 1812.
It involved land and naval battles, lasting over two-and-a-half years. British forces occupied Washington, setting public buildings ablaze, including the White House (then called the Presidential Mansion) and Capitol Hill. It was skirmish-like compared to what’s coming if Hillary confronts Russia and China belligerently, risking possible nuclear war, turning cities like Washington to smoldering rubble if launched. Major flash-points in Syria, Ukraine and the South China Sea could ignite US/Sino-Russia conflict, a potential doomsday scenario. Uninformed, indifferent and distracted Americans don’t realize the clear and present danger.

This post was published at UtopiatheCollapse on October 23, 2016.

“No Going Back”: Iraq Demands Exemption From Oil Production Cut, As Rosneft Slams Saudis

With just one month left until the OPEC Vienna meeting in which by some miracle, the cartel of oil producing countries, as well as non-OPEC countries are expected to agree on production cut quotas, things are not looking good. The latest complication emerged on Sunday when Iraq, which one month ago tipped its hand that it would not comply by the Algiers agreement, said it would maintain oil production at current levels after exceeding 4.7 million barrels a day in September, even as other OPEC members discuss limits on output.
As Bloomberg reports, and as we predicted in September, Iraq joined Libya, Iran and Nigeria in asking OPEC for an exemption from its participation in any cuts, Oil Minister Jabber Al-Luaibi said Sunday at a news conference in Baghdad. Ali al-Luaibi said on Sunday his country should be exempted from output restrictions as it was fighting a war with Islamic State. “We are fighting a vicious war against IS,” Luaibi said in e briefing for reporters, adding that Iraq should get the same exemption as Nigeria and Libya.
‘We are with OPEC policy and OPEC unity,’ Al-Luaibi said. ‘But this should not be at our expense.’ Instead, it is looking like a cut, if any, will be entirely at the expense of Saudi production, which may be forced to cut 1mmbpd or more, should OPEC continue to see rising record monthly production.

This post was published at Zero Hedge on Oct 23, 2016.