North Korea Accuses “Gangster State” US Of “Mugging” Diplomats

North Korea is accusing the US of seizing an official diplomatic package from a team of diplomats headed home from a UN summit on the rights of the disabled – an act it said was tantamount to ‘mugging’ its delegates, who enjoy diplomatic immunity.
The North’s foreign ministry says agents from the Department of Homeland Security, along with local police, intercepted the diplomats at John F Kennedy International Airport on Friday, a day after the North released 22-year old American student Otto Warmbier, who was freed and sent back to the US in a coma, Reuters reported.
The incident marks the conclusion of a brief episode of detente between the North and US that culminated in Warmbier’s release. For their part, officials at the State Department and White House have refused to confirm or deny the story, and won’t talk about it. As evidenced by Warmbier’s release, the US and North Korea appear to have opened a dialogue, and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has said that the two powers are continuing to discuss the possibility of releassing three other Americans being held by the North.

This post was published at Zero Hedge on Jun 18, 2017.